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Dear forest scientists, As part of the COST action 3DForEcoTech and COST SNSF project, we aim to establish an international collaboration and create the first database for the detection of individual tree species. We are seeking i) manual tree species canopy delineations and ii) aerial RGBI (red, green, blue, and near infrared) or RGB imagery data for the delineated tree species...

Do you have data from destructive measurements (traditional approach) paired with scans from close-range technologies? This kind of data is quite scarce and involves much work. Therefore, the value of this data, combined from different locations/countries, is even greater, and we would really appreciate it if you could help us in the compilation of information to improve our knowledge...

From monitoring to modelling Aim & Objectives The increasing rates of changes in environmental conditions put higher pressure on science to provide robust estimates of future ecosystem development. We need robust approaches to measure the current state, understand the processes and then accurately predict the development of forest ecosystems. In this view, the members of...

Working Group 2 – 2 Virtual Mobility Grants Preparing training material for the data fusion summer school For Each grant: Duration: 4-6 weeks. Timing: April-June 2024. Location: Online Total estimated grant per virtual mobility: 1500 euros Description: This Virtual Mobility (VM) Grant is an important part of the WG2 (data fusion) activities. During this VM the successful...

Working Group 2 – Virtual Mobility Grant Implementing a co-registration tool Duration: 4-6 weeks. Timing: March-May 2024. Location: Online Total estimated grant: 1500 euros Description: This Virtual Mobility (VM) Grant is an important part of the WG2 (data fusion) activities. During this VM the successful candidate will implement a co-registration algorithms (e.g. comparable to https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10401975 as an...

Working group 4 and 5 Precision Forestry and Forest Ecology Open call for Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSM). We want to fund a set of STSM projects focussed on topics around 3D close range technologies for either Precision Forestry (WP4) or Forest Ecology (WP5). Successful projects must clearly focus on addressing questions within precision forestry or...

We are thrilled to announce an exciting new research initiative within the framework of 3DForEcoTech COST Action, focusing on the transformative potential of Close-range Remote Sensing (CRRS) technology for ecosystem studies. 3DForEcoTech is a collaborative effort bringing together researchers, industry professionals, and enthusiasts in the field of Close-range Remote Sensing. Our mission is to explore,...

Dear 3DForEcoTech community, it is already two years since we started the 3DForEcoTech COST Action project. I already see the huge impact these years have had on me and on many others. When we were writing the project proposal, I had in my mind that the goal should be to create a strong enough motion...

Deadline for the applications is 10th October 2023 STSM Grants fund visits by: We have asked the host to prepare an interesting proposal for you. If you find it interesting too, do not hesitate and apply by emails (k.sterenczak@ibles.waw.pl and 3dforecotech@gmail.com) by October 10th, 2023. Each applicant is requested to send (i) a short motivation...

Open call The deadline for the first round of applications is 20th June 2023 STSM Grants fund visits by: Important note: Short-Term Scientific Mission consists in a visit to a host organization located in a different country than the country of affiliation by a researcher or innovator for specific work to be carried out and...

Working Group 6 – Dissemination, knowledge gaps identification and cooperate guidence Deadline for the applications is 20th June 2023 STSM Grants fund visits by: We have asked the hosts to prepare an interesting proposal for you. If you find the proposed project interesting too, do not hesitate and apply by emails (k.sterenczak@ibles.waw.pl and 3dforecotech@gmail.com) by...

Working group 5 – Forest Ecology Open call for Project Proposals, Evaluation of proposals starts on: 23rd May, 2023 The call will remain open until all funds are allocated, but we will start to evaluate proposals on 23rd May 2023, so please submit soon!  STSM Grants fund visits by: Do you have an idea for...