STSMs (02/2024) | Open Call

Working group 4 and 5

Precision Forestry and Forest Ecology

Open call for Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSM). We want to fund a set of STSM projects focussed on topics around 3D close range technologies for either Precision Forestry (WP4) or Forest Ecology (WP5).

Successful projects must clearly focus on addressing questions within precision forestry or forest ecology using 3D close-range technologies or data. Projects should be feasible within the timeframe proposed, and participants should commit to supporting the visitor during and after the STSM to achieve the outputs.

Deadlines and guidelines

We will operate a rolling call, which will remain open until all funds are allocated. However, we will start evaluating proposals on 12th February 2024 and every two weeks after then, so please submit soon! 

STSM Grants fund rules:

  • A short-term Scientific Mission consists of a visit to a host organisation located in a different country than the country of affiliation by a researcher or innovator
  • The grant is up to 4000 € per person (per STSM)
  • STSMs visit lasting approx. 1-3 months and should end by the end of September 2024
  • STSMs can only be undertaken by applicants affiliated with COST countries, near-neighbour countries or European RTD organisations.
Who can apply?

You can apply to HOST a project, or to VISIT someone else:

As a HOST you need to submit a topic and research plan. If your application is approved, a call will be made to search for a visiting scientist to join you.

As a VISITING SCIENTIST you need to apply directly as the visiting researcher. You will need to specify the topic and research plan, plus with the host’s name and institution’s name. Your visit must be approved by your host before you apply.

How to apply

For both cases, please send us 300-400 words outlining the project and data available (if applicable), which WP you align to  (precision forestry or forest ecology), anticipated outputs, the timeframe of the STSM, and your (short) CV.

  • If you are applying as a host and you have a visitor in mind, please send us their CV too and ask them to confirm participation to us via email. If you don’t have a visitor in mind already, we will advertise the best projects through the 3DForEcoTech COST Action channels (website and social media) to find candidates.
  • If you’re applying as a visiting scientist, please include information about the host you plan to visit, including a contact name and CV, and ask them to confirm participation to us via email.

Please send your proposal to Erika Kozamernik ( and to our project mailing box

If you’re unsure if your project is suitable, or wish to discuss ideas, please contact relevant WP leads:

WP4, Precision forestry: Chiara Torresan ( & Stefano Puliti (

WP5, Forest Ecology: Emily Lines ( & Jesper Erenskjold Moeslund (


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