Organisation: Institute of Botany aft. A.Takhtajyan NAS Armenia
Expertise: Classification and diversity of vegetation, ecosystems Ecosystem services assessment Nature conservation: approaches and methods for sustainable management of protected natural sites and sustainable use of biological resources Ecology of rare, endemic, economically, and socially significant species Invasion biology Biodiversity monitoring and impact assessment (climate change, anthropogenic pressure, etc.)
Organisation: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
Expertise: Forests, biophysical parameters (AGB, LAI), terrestrial & UAV lidar, monitoring lidar, forest inventory
Organisation: University of Cambridge
Expertise: Forest ecology; remote sensing; data science
United Kingdom
Organisation: Free University of Bolzano
Expertise: Forest ecology, climate-smart forestry, laser scanning, spectroscopy, machine learning, robotics, IoT
Organisation: Freie Universität Berlin
Expertise: Forestry, Ecology, Remote Sensing, LiDAR, optical data, Machine Learning, Wildfires, Invasive Species
Organisation: University of Padova
Expertise: Geomatics, data analysis, aerial and mobile lidar
Organisation: Tuscia University/CNR-IRET
Expertise: Forest remote sensing
Organisation: Ghent University
Expertise: vegetation modelling, carbon cycling, forest structure-function interaction
Organisation: Global Change Research Institute CAS
Expertise: For over 10 years, I have been working with point clouds derived from airborne or terrestrial laser scanning. I use them to analyze the 3D structure of the area of interest, for applications mainly in forestry or urban ecosystem.
Czech Republic
Organisation: Aarhus University
Expertise: Forest ecology, condition metrics, dead wood, conservation, threatened species, restoration, biodiversity metrics, forest structure
Organisation: The Silva Tarouca Research Institute
Expertise: Forest structure, forest dynamics, forest ecology, AGB, competition, TLS/MLS/ULS, 3D Forest software development.
Czech Republic
Organisation: Ghent University
Expertise: Terrestrial laser scanning, 3D forest reconstruction, biomass estimation, forest dynamics, radiative transfer modelling