Interdisciplinary Summer School on Forest Ecosystems 2024

From monitoring to modelling

Aim & Objectives

The increasing rates of changes in environmental conditions put higher pressure on science to provide robust estimates of future ecosystem development. We need robust approaches to measure the current state, understand the processes and then accurately predict the development of forest ecosystems. In this view, the members of two COST Actions (3DForEcoTech, PROCLIAS) joined their forces to develop research and training activities to link forest dynamic models with modern technologies.

COST Action CA20118

For describing forest ecosystems appropriate datasets are essential. The COST Action 3DForEcoTech focuses on various remote sensing technologies for obtaining information at both individual tree and stand levels. To enable a comprehensive description of the forest ecosystem, it is often necessary to work with data fusion methods based on various types of remote sensing data, which will be the focus within this summer school. 

COST Action CA19139

Considering forest modelling, participants will get a general introduction to modelling principles with a focus on different spatial levels used in forest modeling. They will get hands-on experience with examples of forest growth models operating at different spatial levels, and learn the differences between their requirements for input data and the output provided. The participants will explore the utilisation possibilities of the presented models to simulate forest development under different scenarios.

Target Audience

This summer school is designed for PhD candidates and postdocs from a variety of research fields focusing on forest ecosystems. We have 32 places available for this summer school. Check out some impressions of the 2023 edition in Ljubljana, Slovenia here.

How to apply?

Please apply using the form Interdisciplinary summer school on forest ecosystems 2024 by June 20th, 2024. Each applicant is requested to upload (i) a short motivation letter, (ii) a one-page CV and (iii) a max. 300-word abstract of the participant’s current work. The organizing committee will use this information to decide which candidates will be accepted. Decisions on participation will be communicated by the end of June 2024.

When & Where?

26/8/2024 – 30/8/2024, Warsaw, Poland 


Participation fee & support: No registration fee. COST actions 3DForEcoTech, and PROCLIAS will reimburse the costs of selected participants covering their travel, accommodation and subsistence. Only applicants from COST countries ( are eligible for reimbursement. The costs will be reimbursed only after the completion of the summer school. Students from outside the COST countries can also apply, but they have to use their own funding.

Tentative Programme

Monday: Introduction to COST Actions 3DForEcoTech and PROCLIAS. Introduction to different remote sensing technologies and data and exercises to get familiar with data analysis

Tuesday: Introduction to different model approaches to get an overview and exercises with selected models

Wednesday: half day field trip to the forest + half day students select their project and start the processing

Thursday: working on the projects in groups

Friday: finalizing the projects – prepare presentations – final presentation of the outcome

Two evenings – small lectures about soft skills e.g. how to write a good proposal; how to write a successful paper, etc…

A poster session on the participants’ current research interests, and their work to stimulate the information exchange and discussion between students and trainers. – Reward for the best poster

Suggested arrival – Sunday 25.8.
Suggested departure – Saturday morning 31.8.

Local organisers

Forest Research Institute
Braci Leśnej 3 Street, Sękocin Stary,
05-090 Raszyn, Poland

Organisers & Trainers

3DForEcoTech COST Action

  • Markus Hollaus (TU Wien, Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation, Vienna, Austria)
  • Krzysztof Stereńczak (Department of Geomatics, Forest Research Institute, Raszyn, Poland)
  • Mattia Balestra (Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy)
  • Bartłomiej Kraszewski (Department of Geomatics, Forest Research Institute, Poland)
  • Anna Iglseder (TU Wien, Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation, Vienna, Austria)
  • Mirela Beloiu Schwenke (ETH Zürich, Department of Environmental Systems Science, Zurich, Switzerland)

PROCLIAS Cost Action

  • Katarína Merganičová (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic)
  • Thirza van Laar (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany)
  • Andrey Lessa Augustynczik (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria)
  • Mykola Gusti (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria)

Latest Updates

Dear forest scientists, As part of the COST action 3DForEcoTech and COST SNSF project, we aim to establish an international collaboration and create the first database for the detection of individual tree species. We are seeking i) manual tree species canopy delineations and ii) aerial RGBI (red, green, blue, and near infrared) or RGB imagery data for the delineated tree species...

Do you have data from destructive measurements (traditional approach) paired with scans from close-range technologies? This kind of data is quite scarce and involves much work. Therefore, the value of this data, combined from different locations/countries, is even greater, and we would really appreciate it if you could help us in the compilation of information to improve our knowledge...

Working Group 2 – 2 Virtual Mobility Grants Preparing training material for the data fusion summer school For Each grant: Duration: 4-6 weeks. Timing: April-June 2024. Location: Online Total estimated grant per virtual mobility: 1500 euros Description: This Virtual Mobility (VM) Grant is an important part of the WG2 (data fusion) activities. During this VM the successful...

Working Group 2 – Virtual Mobility Grant Implementing a co-registration tool Duration: 4-6 weeks. Timing: March-May 2024. Location: Online Total estimated grant: 1500 euros Description: This Virtual Mobility (VM) Grant is an important part of the WG2 (data fusion) activities. During this VM the successful candidate will implement a co-registration algorithms (e.g. comparable to as an...

Working group 4 and 5 Precision Forestry and Forest Ecology Open call for Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSM). We want to fund a set of STSM projects focussed on topics around 3D close range technologies for either Precision Forestry (WP4) or Forest Ecology (WP5). Successful projects must clearly focus on addressing questions within precision forestry or...

We are thrilled to announce an exciting new research initiative within the framework of 3DForEcoTech COST Action, focusing on the transformative potential of Close-range Remote Sensing (CRRS) technology for ecosystem studies. 3DForEcoTech is a collaborative effort bringing together researchers, industry professionals, and enthusiasts in the field of Close-range Remote Sensing. Our mission is to explore,...