WG3: Laser- and Image-based Point Cloud Processing



Carlos Cabo
WG3 Leader
University of Oviedo
Arnadi Murtiyoso
WG3 Co-leader
Institute of Terrestrial Ecosystems
Daniel Girardeau-Montaut
WG3 Co-leader

Description of the WG3

The WG3 is divided into three main aspects of point cloud processing: pre-processing, processing, and evaluation of results. Pre-processing is an important step for both laser- and image-based point clouds. And it is a very crucial step for photogrammetry where the two-dimensional images are processed into 3D point clouds.

Point cloud processing and evaluation will focus on testing available algorithms from 3DForEcoTech project members and beyond. Afterward, WG3 will develop workflows that will go through processing steps including multiple algorithms and software to establish automatic or semi-automatic processing pipelines. The WG3 will gather all available software solutions and create a general database of commercial, free and open-source software solutions and prepare general guidelines and protocols for data processing.


WG3-T1: Recognizing available software and algorithms for processing point clouds for precision forestry and forest ecology purposes.

WG3-T2: Developing guidelines on how to process terrestrial-based point clouds to get accurate and reliable results for forest inventory (WG4) and forest ecology (WG5) purposes.

WG3-T3: Creating a database of available software and open-source algorithms together with guidelines.


WG3-M1: Workshop on data processing of 3D terrestrial-based point clouds

WG3-M2: Joint workshop with WG1 and WG2 on data collection, fusion and data processing of three-dimensional terrestrial-based technologie


Meet the other Working Groups

The WG1 primarily focuses on different aspects of data collection by novel terrestrial-based technologies suitable to capture and generate 3D point clouds of individual trees as well as forest ecosystems.

The WG2 focuses on the fusion of data produced by novel terrestrial-based technologies data with other remote sensing data. The aim is to establish the link between terrestrial data in the frame of large-scale applications at regional, national, or even global levels.

WG4 is working on the application part of the Action. WG4 focuses on the usage of novel terrestrial-based technologies and techniques within precision forestry. Mainly on forest stands and individual tree parameters, that could be used for forest inventory, monitoring, and management.

WG5 is an application-oriented WG, similar to WG4. In this case, the focus is on the implementation of novel terrestrial-based technologies for forest ecology research purposes. In the beginning, it will identify already available best practices. The WG5 closely works with WG1-3 to identify all possibilities from data collection, data fusion, and processing points of view.

WG6 is responsible for identifying important stakeholders and target audiences at the national, European, and global levels. It will establish correct and efficient communication with all parties, in order to disseminate the findings and results.