Kamil Král

Organisation: The Silva Tarouca Research Institute
Department: Department of Forest Ecology
Country: Czech Republic
City: Brno
Expertise of the potential host: Forest structure, forest dynamics, forest ecology, AGB, competition, TLS/MLS/ULS, 3D Forest software development.
Description of possible topics: We are ready to host research fellows on a range of topics ralated to the use of close-range laser scanning in the field of forest ecology, such as: • Canopy space occupancy, tree species canopy niches • Pointcloud-based solar radiation modelling, radiative budget/solar irradiance of individual tree crowns, aboveground competition for light • 3D Forest software development – plug-ins (3Dforest.eu) • Forest digital twins from TLS/MLS/ULS data; TLS/MLS/ULS data fusion • Development and improvement of pointcloud processing algorithms for automate forest inventory.
Extra info: Our research group have extensive field reference data (tens of hectares of full tree census) spatially aligned with TLS/MLS/ULS point cloud data in various stages of postprocessing, including thousands of manually segmented/verified trees. The dataset covers a wide range of tree species, forest types and environmental gradients from lowland floodplain forests up to the timberline.